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· One min read
Nik Hawks

LoRaWAN sensors on Helium can be used for an awful lot of things, and in this blog we use AI (plus Nik at MetSci) to write about exploring some of the possible use cases.

If this is your first time at the MetSci (short for MeteoScientific) site and you just want to try using things and muddling through, head over to the Console, sign up for an account and get going.

· 2 min read
Nik Hawks

Synethesia is when the expereince of one sense triggers another. The classic example is seeing colors when hearing music, but you could taste words, smell sounds, or feel textures when you see colors.

A recent excellent Freakonomics episode with David Eagleman sparked an idea on how to combine synthestia with LoRaWAN for spatial awareness in the military context.

· 3 min read
Nik Hawks

Back in 2022, Mike Harttree, an IoT Architect at Cisco, gave a talk at the LoRa Alliance's annual conference about how the U.S. government is using LoRaWAN to enhance operational efficiency and tackle long-standing logistical challenges.

With all the current fuss about Meshtastic and LoRa, I thought it'd be a good idea to review what has already been done. Some of this is super basic (replacing fuel stick measurements with digital ones), but after all, that's what IoT is about; digitizing the measurements of our world.

It doesn't have to be fancy, it just has to work.

· 2 min read

As the foreman in charge of framing jobs on commercial buildings, you’re tasked with ensuring efficiency, profitability, and safety. These responsibilities can feel burdensome, but integrating LoRaWAN technology into your operations could be the game-changing solution you need. This low-power, long-range wireless protocol is reshaping the construction industry, providing ways to cut costs, boost revenue, and enhance safety measures.

· 2 min read

As a farmer or land owner, it is important to have accurate and reliable information about the weather and climate conditions on your property. This can help you to make informed decisions about things like when to plant and harvest crops, how to manage your land and resources, and how to prepare for extreme weather events.

· 2 min read

The delta between soil and air temperatures can give us clues about the stability of the atmosphere. When the soil is much warmer than the air, it can indicate that the air is likely to rise quickly. This rising air is known as convection, and it can lead to the formation of clouds and storms. On the other hand, if the soil is much cooler than the air, it can indicate that the air will sink, which can lead to calm and stable weather.