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5 posts tagged with "lorawan"

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· 2 min read
Nik Hawks

Synethesia is when the expereince of one sense triggers another. The classic example is seeing colors when hearing music, but you could taste words, smell sounds, or feel textures when you see colors.

A recent excellent Freakonomics episode with David Eagleman sparked an idea on how to combine synthestia with LoRaWAN for spatial awareness in the military context.

· 3 min read
Nik Hawks

Back in 2022, Mike Harttree, an IoT Architect at Cisco, gave a talk at the LoRa Alliance's annual conference about how the U.S. government is using LoRaWAN to enhance operational efficiency and tackle long-standing logistical challenges.

With all the current fuss about Meshtastic and LoRa, I thought it'd be a good idea to review what has already been done. Some of this is super basic (replacing fuel stick measurements with digital ones), but after all, that's what IoT is about; digitizing the measurements of our world.

It doesn't have to be fancy, it just has to work.